4 October 2011

The Anton & K Story: a re-cap

At Anton & K we're fast approaching our one year anniversary at 21 North Street, so we thought it's time to take stock of where we are and where we're going.  Maybe have a bit of a retrospective, a few resolutions (that might be going too far). 
You might know that we've been doing this line of work for a few years.  Rummaging around dusty auction rooms, sales in remote fields or brocantes in the depths of France, Spain or Morocco you didn't know existed.  We certainly didn't know them until we followed our noses.  We’re good at that.  After running a successful restaurant for 10 years (I'm the cook in the house), we pursued our passion for decorative items and spent 8 years working in Majorca sourcing pieces for beautiful fincas, villas and sun-dappled holiday boltholes.  Wandering around the markets of the Mediterranean was of course, a delight and many of our clients loved the influences of Morocco and northern Africa.  Fun as it was, we had a hankering to get back home.

So we sold up, moved into a thatched cottage in Gloucestershire and opened Anton & K.  We're very happy to be back and felt instantly at home, picking up with old friends (and not so old), meeting new ones and finding interesting and exciting pieces for our new shop. 

So, any ideas for year two? One of ours is to keep in touch more, tell you more about what's coming into the shop and when and what we're excited about.  Come and tell us yours or just pop in to say to say Hello.
Anyone seen any chests of drawers?

I'm going home..

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